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Modern Complexity Theory

Bouquet Core / Elective
Enrollment in this course is by invitation only


Girish Varma, CSTAR and MLL

Teaching Assistants

Athreya Chandramouli, Sumit Kumar Jha


Discrete Maths, Probability, Linear Algebra, Data Structures and Algorithms.

Course Topics

  1. Intro to Proofs
    1. Administrivia
    2. Social Choice | Arrows Theorem
  2. Turing Machines
    1. Encodings, TMs, Recursive Languages
    2. TM for Palindrome and Running Time
    3. Lowerbounds for 1 Tape TMs
  3. Cantor, Church, Turing, Godel
    1. Universal TMs and Halting Problem
    2. Undecidability | Halting Problem | DTIME
    3. Lowerbounds for 1 Tape TMs
  4. NP Hardness
    1. 2CNF Algorithm
    2. NP Verification
    3. Cook-Levin Theorem
    4. Polynomial Hierarchy
  5. Space and Circuit Complexity
    1. LSPACE | PSPACE | Completeness
    2. Circuit Model
    3. Karp - Lipton Theorem
  6. Randomized Computation
    1. Randomized Algorithms Examples
    2. RP | CoRP | BPP | Robustness | Chernoffs
    3. Derandomization | Adleman's Theorem | Method of Conditional Probabilities
  7. Quantum Computing
  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

    Monsoon 2020
  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

    10-12 Hrs per Week